Silk Painting Dictionary

I get a lot of questions about everything to do with silk painting, and I’ve gathered a lot the information I’ve been sharing for years, PLUS all the questions about all the words and phrases related to silk painting -- and n ow I've turned it into a “silk dictionary” for silk artists!

I hope to publish it VERY soon (December 2017), and I’ll let you know as soon as it does!

  • Size:  A5 / approximately 6×8″ / 15x20cm
  • spiral binder so the book can lay flat on the artist’s table, making it easy to write notes in the book
  • 95+ entries including original French words used in silk painting
  • 10+ descriptions of types of silk
  • entries also include tools of the trade, techniques and some product descriptions
  • blank pages throughout to make it easy to write notes and observations
  • you’ll be able to order online and receive the printed book in the POST to your Art Studio.

As I work through the creation and publication stages, I'll write updates here which will appear as links below.

I'm very excited about this one! Woohoo!