About Teena Hughes, the Author

Want to know about Teena Hughes, the author?

About Teena Hughes, authorI’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember, and one of my first literary memories is of me as a ten year old girl, writing a story at school. In those days, writing a story was called ‘composition’ at my school in Australia.

The story was about a teapot and a kettle, and I remember my teacher being very happy with what I’d written, and I got an A — it was all the encouragement I needed!

I also loved to draw and paint, and I have been doing that all my life too.

Always sketching as I travelled the world, and learning the ancient French art of painting on skill when I lived in Paris many moons ago.  Being a silk artist and textile designer meant I could now draw and illustrate silk, which gave me great pleasure, and led to me creating one-off silk scarves and wearable art as clothing.

One of the very first silk paintings I did when I lived in Paris was one of a Koala I named Kevin … and this week I published my first book about a Koala called Kevin.  It’s been a long time coming, and it feels like my little koala sketches have now come to life as books, and that’s makes me very happy indeed!

I have a love of marketing and helping businesses

I’ve been helping businesses to learn marketing in a way which makes sense to them, which has progressed into Training Courses, and now books.

The opportunities available to boost a business’ reach online is unprecedented, with technology and the internet changing at the speed of light. By keeping abreast of what’s happening, I can teach my clients the best ways to proceed, and time permitting, turn that information into books.

It’s an amazing time to be alive, and we need to grab every day with both hands and follow the rainbows 🙂


Teena signature in pink