Episode 1
Koala Koala Are You Asleep - Revisited
After not looking at my book for a couple of months, I woke up a few days ago with the urge to finish it.
So I did — and it all happened very quickly, and I’m thrilled with the results!
I’m reminded that we can often overlook the signs, those little hunches of inttuition, we may push through and realise later we should have let that project/experience sit for a bit.
I’m glad I listened this time, I had been overthinking this book way too much, and now I can see that simpler is better. When I showed my manuscript to a friend yesterday, he told me this is exactly the kind of books he used to look for to read to his little daughter — simple story, rhyming words, lots of colour — and of course this Koala character is just adorable (I might be a bit biased!).
I just have to complete the first few intro and legal pages, and the final pages and cover, and I’m all set to publish – woohoo!
Very happy indeed 🙂
As soon as it’s available on Amazon, I’ll post a link here and on my Facebook page >>
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