1-2-3 ABC Coloring Book with Kevin Koala

Table of Contents

Part 8
1-2-3 ABC Koala just arrived in the post - woohoo!

1-2-3 ABC Koala just arrived in the post!

The colours aren’t showing up very well, I’ll do better when I take more 🙂

I am bouncing around like a happy puppy!

My first copy of 1-2-3 ABC Koala just arrived in the post and I am SOOOO excited!

Holding this book in my hot little hands is one of the most rewarding things I can experience as an author, and I’m savouring every detail, every moment, drinking it all in!

This is what’s known as the “Proof” copy, and I ordered it as soon as I sent my book to the publisher before appearing on amazon.com

The idea is that authors order Proof copies of their books, check it over, see if they’re happy with the cover, colours, content, printing, paper quality etc, then they can “approve” the Proof and then the book will be available on amazon.com

As an alternative, the author can also download a PDF version of the print-ready book at the same time as ordering the Proof copy, which is what I do. I was then able to review it, make edits, and upload new versions of both the book and the cover, which should be available online for ordering any day now.

Receiving the printed version is however the first look at the book the way customers will see it when they receive their copy, so it’s very important for me to see the first version of the printed book. I then order another copy of the printable book when the new files have been approved, so that I’ll have 2 copies — one with the word PROOF stamped in large letters on the last page.

Oh gosh, it’s soooo exciting — I’ll take a photo right now to share with you — woohoo! Here is one of the inside double-page spreads — I left the back of each of my illustrations  blank in case any pens or markers might bleed through the paper:

1-2-3 ABC Koala inside page spread

I am so thrilled to have been able to create this book, I do hope the children like it too!

Table of Contents